I realize this is a gtk question, not a pygtk question.  The state of the
internet's email infrastructure often makes it nearly impossible to post the
occasional message to the most appropriate list though.  (Most lists allow
posts from subscribers only these days.)  I went looking for the GTK FAQ,
but it appears to be completely empty at the moment.

I was hoping for a little "philosophy" lesson.  Working with Thomas Hinkle's
WidgetSaver module some more I discovered that some widgets only emit
signals when values are changed via keyboard action, not mouse action.  For
instance, the paned widget only emits a move-handle signal when the
separator is moved using a handful of keys (page up, etc).  It's not emitted
when the separator is dragged with the mouse.  It's not at all obvious to me
why the signal should be emitted in one case but not the other.  I think the
SpinButton has a similar trait.

Is there some logical reason why this stuff is done the way it is or is it
just a case of "nobody ever needed it"?


Skip Montanaro
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