On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 01:53:37PM +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:
> | John K. Luebs reminds you: *don't forget gtk.threads_enter() and
> | gtk.threads_leave()* around mainloop when accessing gtk code if you want
> | your application to actually work threaded:
> | 
> |  gtk.gdk.threads_enter()
> |  gtk.main()
> |  gtk.gdk.threads_leave()
> I think this is wrong although it doesn't seem to hurt.
> >From the reference pages I understand that gtk.gdk.threads_init
> initializes a lock and that gtk.gdk.threads_enter() acquires
> this lock while gtk.gdk.threads_leave() releases it. In any case
> it is all about marking critical sections.
> Now marking the gtk.main()  as such a critical section would
> mean that all other threads wanting to enter a critical section
> with gtk.gdk calls would be stopped from doing so until gtk.main
> had quit. That seems less than usefull.
No, because if and when gtk_main sleeps or waits, it will drop the lock
at the proper time. This design keeps things consistent. Remember that
in a GTK signal callback the lock will of course be held but it is
valid to call gtk_main or an equivalent (gtk_dialog_run) method.

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