On Mon, 2006-06-11 at 15:21 -0800, Lynn Monsanto wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a developer working on the Orca screen reader: 
> http://live.gnome.org/Orca.  We are currently starting Orca using a bash 
> script (see below).  This works okay, but has one problem.  The AT-SPI 
> returns the application name as "-c".  Is there a way to explicitly set 
> an application name in pygtk when starting an application using the "-c" 
> flag? 
> Thanks and best regards!
> Lynn Monsanto
> # Runs orca.
> #
> runOrca()
> {
>    export PYTHONPATH
>    @PYTHON@ -c "import orca.orca; orca.orca.main()" "$ARGS"
> }

In your app just before you show your window.

window.set_title('My Title')

Actually you can change the title at any time.  In our specialized
terminal app. we change the title to the status bar text when the window
is minimized.  That allows the taskbar to show the status of what is


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