
Maybe you are missing something, because once you call drag_begin(),
the DnD is automatically handled by GTK. Did you first call
enable_model_drag_dest() on your tree?

I implemented manual DnD in a TreeView and it works well, you can try
to see what are the differences and why your doesn't work:


On 10/25/07, Jeffrey Barish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to implement a manual drag of a row in a treeview to another
> location in the same treeview.  I need to initiate the drag manually
> because there are conditions in which I want to disallow dragging of a
> particular row.  I have figured out how to initiate the drag:
> 1. Grab the position of the initial mouse press event.
> 2. In a motion_notify_event handler, compare the latest position of the
> mouse with the initial mouse press using drag_check_threshold.
> 3. When drag_check_threshold returns True, execute drag_begin.
> My problem is that I am not able to end the drag.  When I release the mouse
> button at a dropable location, nothing happens.  I have tried detecting all
> the drag-related signals, but I don't get any of them when I release the
> mouse button.  I even tried detecting button release, but I don't get it
> until I escape out of the drag.  Any idea what I am missing?
> --
> Jeffrey Barish
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