Actually, it doesn't seem to be re-creating the window after all.  However, I 
can't seem to figure out how to bring the window back.

I have tried:

What is the correct way to do this?

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Julio Carlos 
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: [pygtk] (no subject)

If you put all this code:
    statusIcon = gtk.StatusIcon()

    menu = gtk.Menu()
    menuItem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_ABOUT)
    menuItem.connect('activate', icon_show_about)
    menuItem = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()
    menuItem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_QUIT)
    menuItem.connect('activate', quit_cb, statusIcon)

    # statusIcon.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_HOME)
    statusIcon.set_tooltip("DM-Crypt & LUKS Encryption Suite")
    statusIcon.connect('activate', activate_icon_cb)
    statusIcon.connect('popup-menu', popup_menu_cb, menu)

inside the __init__ method and every method you create should have the syntax 
'<method_name>(self,<parameters>)' to make it an instance method. Doing all 
that you should be able to use any self.<whatever_you_want>

The method should be like this:
def activate_icon_cb(self, widget):
    if self.window.visible():

Hope this works for you.

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 13:15:35 -0500
"McBride, Nathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> run the program and the main window comes up with the status icon.
> When I minimize the window, instead of minimizing it, it hides it. So 
> the window is gone but the icon is still in the tasktray. (minimizing 
> to tasktray) What I am trying to accomplish is that when you click the 
> tasktray icon then the window unhides and comes back.
> everything works flawlessly except i can't get:
> def activate_icon_cb(widget, data = None):
>         pass
> to have access to self.window from the __init__ to run the 
> I'have tried setting it up like:
> def activate_icon_cb(self, widget, data = None):
>         pass
> # statusIcon.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_HOME)
> statusIcon.set_from_file("pixmaps/dmcal.png")
> statusIcon.set_tooltip("DM-Crypt & LUKS Encryption Suite") 
> statusIcon.connect('activate', activate_icon_cb(self)) 
> statusIcon.connect('popup-menu', popup_menu_cb, menu)
> statusIcon.set_visible(True)
> but it says self isn't defined. When I tried recalling the widget from 
> the glade file and showing it that way instead of showing it it just 
> made another. But I have to bring the first on back up not make a new 
> one.
> Thanks for helping me with this.
> Nate
> Here is the majority of the code:
> class dmcalGTK:
>     """The DMCal Application"""
>     def __init__(self):
>           #Set the glade file
>           self.gladefile = ""
>           self.wTree =, "dmcalMain")
>           self.window = self.wTree.get_widget("dmcalMain")
>           self.window.connect('window-state-event',
> self.window_event)
>           #Create our dictionary and connect it
>           dic = {"on_create_container_activate" :
> self.create_container_activate,
>                  "on_dmcalMain_destroy" : self.dmcalMain_destroy,
>                  "on_aboutMenuItem_activate" : self.showAbout,
>                    "on_quitButton_clicked" : self.dmcalMain_destroy,
>                    "on_newButton_clicked" :
> self.create_container_activate,
>                    "on_addButton_clicked" : self.showFileSelection,
>                    "on_quitmenuitem_activate" :
> self.dmcalMain_destroy, "on_removeButton_clicked" :
> self.removecontainer, "on_saveMenuItem_activate" : self.savelist}
>           self.wTree.signal_autoconnect(dic)
>           preferencesMI =
> self.wTree.get_widget("preferencesMenuItem")
> preferencesMI.set_sensitive(0)
>           #Setup the treeview
>           self.treeview = self.wTree.get_widget('treeview2')
>           #Create the liststore model to use with the treeview
>           #Pattern: ICON, NAME TEXT, PATH TEXT
>           self.treelist = gtk.ListStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, str,
> str) 
>           #Attatch the liststore model to the treeview
>           self.treeview.set_model(self.treelist)
>           #Get the icons
>           self.yes = self.treeview.render_icon('gtk-yes',
>  = self.treeview.render_icon('gtk-no',
>           #Setup the columns on the listview
>           column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('', gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(),
> pixbuf=0)
>           self.treeview.append_column(column)
>           column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Name', gtk.CellRendererText(), 
> text=1)
>           self.treeview.append_column(column)
>           column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Location', gtk.CellRendererText(), 
> text=2)
>           self.treeview.append_column(column)
>           column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Mount Point', 
> gtk.CellRendererText(), text=3)
>           self.treeview.append_column(column)
>           self.treelist.append([self.yes, 'container.enc', 
> '/home/nomb/container.enc', '/media/enc'])
>           self.treeselection = self.treeview.get_selection()
>           self.treeselection.select_path(0)
>             if commands.getoutput("whoami") != "root":
>                 print "Non-Root - Limited functionality..."
>               #Disable create new container menu entry
>               newcontainerMenuItem =
> self.wTree.get_widget("create_container")
>               newcontainerMenuItem.set_sensitive(0)
>                 #Disable create new container button
>               newcontainerButton =
> self.wTree.get_widget("newButton") newcontainerButton.set_sensitive(0)
>                 #Disable mount button
>                 mntButton = self.wTree.get_widget("mountButton")
>                 mntButton.set_sensitive(0)
>                 #Disable un-mount button
>                 unmntButton = self.wTree.get_widget("unmountButton")
>                 unmntButton.set_sensitive(0)
>               #Set alert message to status bar
>               statusbar = self.wTree.get_widget("statusbar1")
>               statusbarid = statusbar.get_context_id("need root")
>               statusbar.push(statusbarid, "Some functions require root 
> permissions and path... (su -)")
>     def quit_cb(widget, data = None):
>       if data:
>           data.set_visible(False)
>       gtk.main_quit()
>     def popup_menu_cb(widget, button, time, data = None):
>       if button == 3:
>           if data:
>               data.show_all()
>               data.popup(None, None, None, 3, time)
>       pass    
>     def activate_icon_cb(widget, data = None):
>         pass
>     def icon_show_about(widget, data = None):
>       dmcalDialog = dmcalAbout()
>       result =
>     statusIcon = gtk.StatusIcon()
>     menu = gtk.Menu()
>     menuItem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_ABOUT)
>     menuItem.connect('activate', icon_show_about)
>     menu.append(menuItem)
>     menuItem = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()
>     menu.append(menuItem)
>     menuItem = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_QUIT)
>     menuItem.connect('activate', quit_cb, statusIcon)
>     menu.append(menuItem)
>     # statusIcon.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_HOME)
>     statusIcon.set_from_file("pixmaps/dmcal.png")
>     statusIcon.set_tooltip("DM-Crypt & LUKS Encryption Suite")
>     statusIcon.connect('activate', activate_icon_cb)
>     statusIcon.connect('popup-menu', popup_menu_cb, menu)
>     statusIcon.set_visible(True)
>     def window_event(self, widget, event):
>       #print event.new_window_state
>       if event.new_window_state == gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED:
>           self.window.hide()
> ====================
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Julio Carlos Menéndez
GNU/Linux User #403551
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