John Stowers wrote:
How would I draw the boxes efficiently? When moving the Boxes around, the different borders will unhinge a little (so you can see cracks between them) and I don't want that. I have considered drawing the border as a whole and then overlaying the left and right sides with eventboxes to add the current functionality. Is that preferable? What /is/ preferable? How can I shape these boxes efficiently? I know that this is answered in the FAQ; I would like to know how to reuse what I have already drawn, as in: "Make this thing transparent, *except* for where I've drawn."
Any other comments on my code are of course extremely welcome as well.

I have had good success using pygoocanvas. It seems like a lot of work
to do what you are trying to do using pure cairo - a canvas would make
things easier and eliminate the redraw issues you are seeing.

Thank you for that suggestion, John. From (briefly) looking around, pygoocanvas doesn't seem to be terribly well documented. With which I could probably manage. The bigger problem to me seems that it (appearantly) is not easily available for windows. While I am on Linux most of the time, I'd like my app to work additionally on Windows (at least).

(Sorry I replied to you off-list, didn't mean to.)
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