Hi again,

maybe someone can help me if I narrow the problem? I've found out that this segfault only occurs if one of my own extension modules that also link against gtk is loaded before the gtk import statement. Moreover it is unrelated to pyunit or distutils. What could be the problem?

Thanks in advance

Am 06/09/2008 06:45 PM schrieb Johannes Wienke:

I've programmed a custom distutils command to run my unit tests. The
important part looks like this:

def __runTests(self):
    Runs all unit tests found in the folder 'test'.

    print "--- start run tests"

    # append the build path to the pythonpath

    # append test path to pythonpath
    sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "test"))

    testFiles = self.__findTestModules()

    print "--- before load tests"

    tests = TestLoader().loadTestsFromNames(testFiles)

    print "--- after load tests"

    t = TextTestRunner(verbosity = 1)

As you can see, I've added a few print statements to explain my problem.

Now a part of my system uses pygtk and is used by one of the unit tests
that are being loaded in the code above. The module using pygtk works
without problem - but not within the unit tests. There I get a
segmentation fault while importing gtk. The import at the top of that
module looks like this:

print "--- before import pygtk"
import pygtk
print "--- after import pygtk"
print "--- after require"
import gtk
print "--- after import pygtk"

Running the tests I get this output:

--- start run tests
--- before load tests
--- before import pygtk
--- after import pygtk
--- after require
Segmentation fault

What could be the problem? Running python 2.4 on Gentoo Linux with pygtk

Thanks in advance.


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