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I have a consistent problem with a threaded pyGTK program that freezes
when dialog boxes are displayed on various Linux platforms. Likewise I
also often get a case where a dialog box displays, but the borders
around it do not display. I've been trying to track this down for
several months, but have had no luck so far...I'm fairly sure it's due
to a threading issue that occurs when the dialog box tries to start
its own gtk_mainloop.

- -dave

Volker Helm wrote:
> It does work!
> you can select or edit something in the parent window! But it isn't
> nice that you can activate the parent window!
> # Start test.py import gtk
> w1 = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) w1.connect('delete_event',
> lambda w, e: gtk.main_quit())
> w2 = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) w2.set_transient_for(w1)
> w2.set_modal(True) w2.set_property('skip-taskbar-hint', True)
> vb = gtk.VBox() w1.add(vb) b = gtk.Button('Open Modal')
> b.connect('clicked', lambda w: w2.show_all()) vb.pack_start(b) l =
> gtk.Entry() l.set_text('Test') vb.pack_start(l)
> w1.show_all()
> gtk.main() # End test.py
> In this test you can't edit the Entry if the child is present.
> Bye,
> Volker
> -------- Original-Nachricht -------- Datum: Tue, 01 May 2007
> 20:28:07 -0400 Von: El Croata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> An:
> pygtk@daa.com.au Betreff: [pygtk] Attempting modal window in win32
>> Hi,
>> I've trying to perform a modal window in win32, but it doesn't
>> work. I wrote an app for better explanation of the case:
>> # Start test.py
> snip
>> # End test.py
>> The steps for performing the case were:
>> 1) Run "python test.py" 2) Click on button "Open Modal" 3) Switch
>> to any other app, clicking in the win taskbar 4) Switch back to
>> the python app, clicking in the taskbar
>> Diagnosis: When siwtching back to the python app, it only shows
>> the parent window, insted of showing both windows with the child
>> over its parent
>> Versions: Python 2.4.4, PyGTK 2.8.6, PyCairo 1.0.2
>> It seems like I'm missing a little detail... thanks! Of couse, in
>> Linux it runs as expected, but I can't change the OS :(
>> -- Regards, Cro
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