Frédéric wrote:
> Le 17/9/2008, "Frédéric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:
>> My app heavily uses the logging module to log a lot of things. As this
>> app mainly runs on a Nokia Internet Tablet, I don't want to log in a
>> file. I would prefer to log in a special object, and be able to
>> show/hide the logs in a window.
> Ok, I finally made something running, using
> ScrolledWindow/TextView/TextBuffer...
> I added colors for each level, but I can't set a global 'black'
> background to the TextBuffer; only to the text I write. Is there a way
> to do that?
> Thanks,
> --
>    Frédéric


Basically add the ScrolledWindow to an EventBox and use something like
eventbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("black"))

Regards Neil.

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