On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 10:47 +0100, Roberto Cavada wrote:
> Greg Ewing wrote:
> > What is the general feeling out there? 
> About the announcements policy, I wonder what is the difference with 
> other projects which use or extend pygtk. I suspect the difference 
> is that pygui is perceived like a potential competitor of pygtk, so 
> announcements about it are told to be not welcomed (especially if 
> you also state that pygtk sucks :)
> If my feeling is correct, then I cannot go along with the policy of 
> not allowing announcements of such projects - simply because it is 
> not clear to me where the line separating pygtk users and pygtk 
> competitors can be collocated.
> Furthermore, I do think that competitors should be welcomed as they 
> may contribute to improve the quality of pygtk itself.
> Finally, let me say that if you think pygtk could be improved (to 
> put it in polite terms), you have to justify your statement, or else 
> they have no meaning at all. Notice that a true analysis may give a 
> sense to your project as well.

I agree with everything you have said here. 

I do not mind the announcements, I think this fracas came about because
of a rather unfortunate slip of the tongue by Greg.


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