>Where did you get that windows installer for gtk+ from? It is very old,
on the net in some link :-)

>furthermore, you should use the official releases of Gtk+ from
got it and installed 
it works fine the gtk-demo run as described in the redme file

>Are you using 32bit python or the 64bit version
32 bit of python

If I import the gtk I get :
>>> import gtk

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\gtk-2.0\gtk\__init__.py", line 40
    from gtk import _gtk
RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception
ImportError: could not import gio
ImportError: could not import gio

quite different :
and the import glib now works fine ..

any idea?


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