----- "Tomeu Vizoso" <to...@tomeuvizoso.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> there's interest in having a hackfest sponsored by the GNOME
> Foundation that would give a push to some issues that are important
> to
> the Pygtk community: support for Python 3.x and
> gobject-introspection.
> How does it sound?
> Regards,
> Tomeu

Hey everyone,

I'm adding a couple of more people directly who have worked with Python 2 to 3 
module conversions to this mail and who might be interested in helping.

The way a GNOME Foundation hackfest works is we need to figure out the best 
location to hold it and get estimates on how much it will cost to get people to 
that location.  We can then ask the Foundation board for the money to cover 
costs.  I've already got a query into the board so they know this is coming.

The first step is finding out how many people are interested in this and what 
their locations are.  Because of the costs involved the location of the 
hackfest should be based on where we can get a room big enough to hold everyone 
and its proximity to the majority of the core contributors.  

John (J5) Palmieri
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.
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