On 28/05/2010 13:26, John Stowers wrote:
>> - Numpy and libglade support are mentioned in the git repository log,
>> but there's no information on how to enable/disable that support.
>> AFAICS, it's added if the modules/libraries are installed, but I can
>> imagine that disabling them may be useful.
> Well it always struck me as odd that libglade support lived inside
> PyGtk, i.e. import gtk.glade.
> Now that we have GtBuilder support, and libglade is effectively
> deprecated, I wanted to setup things so that I could distribute builds
> of Gtk+ that included Glade, and builds that did not (i.e. vanilla
> PyGtk).
> I should clarify that on the build instructions.
Yes, please. I suppose people using GtkBuilder won't want adding 
libglade support in all cases.
> Anyway, I have some other enhancements (to dsutils.py) that I am almost
> ready to merge that make it easy to create PyGtk apps that play nicely
> with py2exe. These make it trivial to create executable pygtk apps for
> windows.
That may be a killer feature. Yay!
>> - What features does numpy bring to PyGTK?
> Umm, no idea, I just kept the support there when I fixed up setup.py.
> Can anyone else answer this?
I've investigated a bit and numpy can be used to create images 
(GdkImlibImage) from numpy arrays. It can be disabled using the 
--disable-numpy option.


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