On 5 July 2010 21:48, A.T.Hofkamp <a.t.hofk...@tue.nl> wrote:
> I was mostly triggered by the fact that you are doing asynchronous
> activities next to the GTK application, which are apparently complicated
> enough to use threads for.

It's not complicated, there's simply a time consuming operation involved.

> About not mentioning guis:
> If you write a spread sheet program, and explain its features, you don't
> explain that you can add two numbers, do you?

Yes, but if it can do arbitrary precision arithmetic, you might
mention that feature, even though it's *obviously* a *trivial*
extension of the ability to do batch computation :P

It's somewhat counter-intuitive to have a module named
"twisted.internet" that can be used for things that have nothing to do
with the internet. It makes a potential programmer think, "I don't
really want a full blown internet stack just for a quick and simple
desktop app." Just like I don't open up a spreadsheet just to add two
numbers, even though it's technically capable of that.

But fine, it's just a name, I can ignore it.

> I completely agree with you that this is a weak point.
> I found the best source of information to be their howtos and
> tutorials/examples, to get the global picture, and the API documentation
> (for the protocols, mostly).

I'll poke around, thanks.

> Basically, asynchronous communication means you are doing event-based
> programming everywhere.

I like that idea. I understand the principle. It's mainly how I use
GTK, where possible.

> From this point of view, it is totally irrelevant what event you get (a
> network comm event, a GUI event, or something from another source), only the
> actual handler of the event needs to know details of the event.

Yes, but the *details* are what I need to know. How do I write a "file
processor" model: something that takes a filename, returns a initial
status immediately, and then X minutes later returns the result of
processing the file? In fact, ignore that, how do I write a class that
does "time.sleep(100)" and then sends a signal saying that it's done?

> http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/core/howto/choosing-reactor.html#auto11
> That page also refers to an example "doc/core/examples/pbgtk2.py"

...which still seems to involve some sort of network communication,
which is extra noise that just gets in the way of understanding the
GTK interaction.

> In the same way, Twisted does not care about the comm protocol use to
> deliver the event. Whether a user pressed a button at a web-form, or sent a
> IRC message does not matter for computing the response.

If Twisted doesn't care about the protocol, why can't I find a single
example that does not involve a network-based protocol?

> I am not sure why there is so little nice introductory information. I think
> it is because the gap between both worlds is so big. Either you don't get
> it, and then you cannot write about it due to lack of understanding, or you
> do get it, and then you cannot imagine how to explain it to somebody that
> doesn't.

It's not about "getting" event based programming. Take this very
email, for example. You go on at length about the architectural
principles of Twisted. But in a tenth of the space I could have
written an illustrative example of using GTK+ with Python threads to
do asynchronous activity (now). Why can't anyone just do that with
Twisted instead of writing essays?

What letters do I type to get anything done? Nothing I have read so
far has given me any hint about this.

> (Like programming, can you explain the essence of what programming is, to
> somebody that has no clue about computers?)

You could actually show them a computer, and show them the things it
can do, and then show them how to do the things they want to do with
it. That's how I would start.

Thanks for the pointers though. If I ever find the time, I'll try it out.

— Jason
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