On Sun, 2011-03-13 at 18:34 -0400, John Lumby wrote:
> I am having trouble trying to port a pygtk/python2.6/linux-fedora-14
> application to use pygobject.
> My first try was to convert using pygi-convert.sh, and when I ran that
> converted .py,  I got

Firstly, F-14 is probably too old. This pygobject+g-i has moved a lot in
the last few months.

pygi-convert is a hint only, it should not produce working code out of
the box.

With that said, my experiences are
* on F15/Natty pygobject/g+i works well
* use glib (i.e. static bindings) and GObject (from gi.repository import
* callbacks and user_data optional parameters are the usual source of
* use named arguments to constructors

Here is a new app written in pygobject+g-i



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