John Lumby wrote:
> Thanks again John   -  yes,  it is certainly related to the typelibs.
> On this custom system, the girepository-1.0 directory does not have a typelib 
> for gtk.
> It has just these typelibs:
>  Atk-1.0
>  xrandr-1.3
>  xlib-2.0
>  xft-2.0
>  xfixes-4.0
>  libxml2-2.0
>  freetype2-2.0
>  fontconfig-2.0
>  cairo-1.0
>  Gio-2.0
>  GObject-2.0
>  GModule-2.0
>  GLib-2.0
>  GL-1.0
>  GIRepository-2.0
>  DBusGLib-1.0
>  DBus-1.0

Never mind  -   I realized I had built glib and gtk without the 
--enable_introspection flag.
I've rebuilt all the gxxx packages with introspection and that populated the 
girepository-1.0 directory
with the missing typelibs.  Now it works just fine.

Thanks again for the help

Cheers,  John Lumby
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