On 6 May 2011 21:07, Jason Heeris <jason.hee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an object that refers to a numpy array of several hundred data
> points, and a few fit parameters and flags. I append the fit
> parameters to the ListStore, and map the object to the path of the new
> row so I can get back the data points, for use upon row activation (or
> cell toggle).
> While we've been discussing this, I've been poring over the pygtk docs
> some more and think I see what I should be doing: I could store the
> object itself in the ListStore as well, and simply not add a
> TreeViewColumn for it in the TreeView. Then I can access it directly
> upon row activation, etc. Does this sound reasonable, or is there a
> better way?

Storing the object in a hidden column is fine, and what I assumed you
were doing originally.

Neil Muller

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