
Quoting "Mathew Yeates" <mat.yea...@gmail.com>:
I just tried downloading pygtk-all-in-one-2.24.0.win32-py2.7.msi

and glade-3.exe doesn't work. I get
"The system cannot execute the specified program.".

This is on Windows XP.

We'll need a bit more information to be able to help you:

1) How do you execute glade-3.exe? Via the shortcut the installer
   created in the start menu or some other method?
2) What does your PATH environment variable look like? > open a
   "Command Prompt" aka cmd.exe and execute "echo %PATH%"
3) Where is Python 2.7 installed?
4) Assuming Python 2.7 is installed in C:\Python27, does
   C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\gtk-2.0\runtime\bin actually
   contain glade-3.exe?
5) Open the attached clean.py script in your favorite text editor
   and edit the paths on line 7 and 8 to correspond to the values
   applicable on your system. Then run the script. Does the script
   output any values?


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Attachment: clean.py
Description: application/force-download

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