Thanks for tip Dieter, but I have tried gtk.Widget.get_name(widget) function, returns eg GtKEntry for a TextEntry field and GtkLabel for a label, ie the same as I get when using widget.get_name(). Code:

            print j.get_name()
            print gtk.Widget.get_name(j)

Both returns GtkEntry when run on a TextEntry.

I am after the name of the TextEntry as given in Glade, such as enTime or enDate.

Any ideas?


Olaf Devik
mobile: +47 911 70 849

Den 2011-09-27 18:14, skrev Dieter Verfaillie:
On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 17:12:39 +0200, Olaf Devik wrote:
I have a number of textEntries used to hold setup values. Each of the
textentries has distinctive names in Glade (Glade 3.6).

I would like to retrieve the name of the textEntry and the content.
The latter is easy, but I fail to find a property of the textEntry
which holds the name given to it in the Glade editor.

The name combined with the contents is planned to be used to
construct a list to be saved in a setup file.

You can get at the name of any widget (provided either libglade
or gtkbuilder does the right thing) by:



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