On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 22:01:06 +0200, Olaf Devik wrote:
Thanks for tip Dieter, but I have tried gtk.Widget.get_name(widget)
function, returns eg GtKEntry for a TextEntry field and GtkLabel for a
label, ie the same as I get when using widget.get_name(). Code:

            print j.get_name()
            print gtk.Widget.get_name(j)

Both returns GtkEntry when run on a TextEntry.

I am after the name of the TextEntry as given in Glade, such as
enTime or enDate.

Any ideas?

Heh, delved in my archives and it seems I've been bitten by this
almost 2 years ago. Then promptly forgot all about it. Anyway,
here you go:

If you're still using libglade (assuming the ui variable contains
a valid glade document):
glade = gtk.glade.xml_new_from_buffer(ui, len(ui))

If you're still using GtkBuilder (assuming the ui variable contains
a valid GtkBuilder document, created by Glade):
builder = gtk.Builder()
label = builder.get_object('label1')

More info on http://developer.gnome.org/gtk/2.24/GtkBuilder.html
search for the text "Prior to 2.20".


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