Hi --

Does gtk or pygtk use random numbers?  I'm writing a program that uses random 
numbers (from the stdlib random() function).  The program's test suite needs to 
have reproducible numbers, so one of the first things it does is to seed the 
random number generator with a fixed value.  However,
if the random number generator is seeded before the pygtk gui is built, the 
random sequence begins at a different point than if the random number generator 
is seeded after the gui is built.  This indicates that building the gui 
consumes some random numbers. 

Where (and why) does pygtk/gtk/cairo/pango use random numbers?  The gui doesn't 
use them explicitly.  If I knew which pygtk calls might use them, then I could 
try to avoid those calls in the test suite, or at least ensure that they occur 
before the random number generator is seeded.


-- stephen.lan...@nist.gov                    Tel: (301) 975-5423 --
-- http://math.nist.gov/~SLanger/             Fax: (301) 975-3553 --
-- NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8910, Gaithersburg, Md 20899-8910 --

-- "I don't think this will work.  That's why it's science."      --
--                     Naomi Langer (age 6),  17 Feb 2003         --

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