Hi all.

I have a custom subclass of gtk.GenericCellRenderer, CellRendererFavorite.
This is encapsulated within a "gtk.TreeViewColumn".

I guess some code would make things clearer ::

154         cell_favorite = CellRendererFavorite(self.tree_view)
155         cell_favorite.connect('clicked',

157         column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
158         column.props.sizing = gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED
159         column.props.fixed_width = cell_favorite.props.width
160         column.pack_start(cell_favorite)
161         column.set_cell_data_func(cell_favorite,
162         self.tree_view.append_column(column)

Now, in the callback function "__favorite_set_data_cb", some of the "props"
(icon-name, color, etc) are changed.
However, the UI effect takes place ONLY when the mouse is hovered away from

So, is there a way to programmatically momentarily-hover-away /
momentarily-disappear-mouse from over "cell_favorite" (or rather a
"gtk.GenericCellRenderer") ?

Will be grateful for a reply.

Thanks and Regards,
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