On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 15:32:46 +0530
Ajay Garg <ajaygargn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using a "gtk.TreeViewColumn" + "gtk.CellRenderer" +
> "set_cell_data_func" paradigm.
> I googled, and the link
> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtkmm-list/2009-June/msg00071.html
> seems to suggest that the "set_cell_data_func" callback is called,
> when the mouse cursor is moved away from the cell (which I suppose,
> triggers the re-paint of the cell).
> Is it so? if yes, can the re-paint be triggered in some other manner?
According to my reading of
http://developer.gnome.org/gtk/2.24/chap-drawing-model.html, yes it
can. Widgets are to draw themselves in response to the expose-event
signal. Try emitting expose-event on the object representing the
widget. GObjects surely have a signal() method or some such.
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