> I think we could do a lot more with the PyGTK+ name and
> http://www.pygtk.org/ to promote gobject-introspection as our new, exciting
> solution. If nothing else, it rolls off the tongue much easier. Say it a few
> times.
> Anybody have any other ideas here?

I think the stupidest mistake in recent times was calling it pygobject
and not inheriting the pygtk name (and I objected strongly at the time

I think we can still change our mind here.

But more worryingly, I am not confident promoting pygobject as a
replacement for pygtk unless it (and gtk+g-i) is supported on windows.
In my experience, in the scientific computing sphere, people still use
pygtk/gtk2 because it works on windows, gtk3 gets destroyed by qt for
the same reason.

I don't really know what to do thought.


> --
>   Jasper
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