Hi to all,
After a long time I'm back on python and gtk. I'm using gobject and I like
it a lot...

I totally agree with Rafael; we must start contributing to the Python GTK+3
in order to have a guide as complete as the one for pygtk.
The second step can be to help Dieter as beta tester with his effort on
windows... To have a good support on windows platform is essential and ca
be the key feature

If we create an hype  on giobject, people will expect to have at least the
same level of functionality and documentation of pygtk...

Just my 2 cent
Thanks !

On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 6:36 PM, Pachi <pa...@rvburke.com> wrote:

> El 17/11/2012 23:28, John Stowers escribió:
>  I think we could do a lot more with the PyGTK+ name and
>>> http://www.pygtk.org/ to promote gobject-introspection as our new,
>>> exciting
>>> solution. If nothing else, it rolls off the tongue much easier. Say it a
>>> few
>>> times.
>>> Anybody have any other ideas here?
>> I think the stupidest mistake in recent times was calling it pygobject
>> and not inheriting the pygtk name (and I objected strongly at the time
>> too).
>> I think we can still change our mind here.
>> But more worryingly, I am not confident promoting pygobject as a
>> replacement for pygtk unless it (and gtk+g-i) is supported on windows.
>> In my experience, in the scientific computing sphere, people still use
>> pygtk/gtk2 because it works on windows, gtk3 gets destroyed by qt for
>> the same reason.
>> I don't really know what to do thought.
>> John
> Same feeling here.
> PyGObject is now alreay useful for people writing Linux only code, but
> without good win32 support it won't replace PyGTK for a vast majority of
> users that either want a cross platform solution or need to run their apps
> also on windows. IMHO that's the "problem" with PyGObject, not the brand.
> But, perhaps, a more prominent section about PyGObject could be added to
> the www.pygtk.org website.
> Dieter Verfaillie has beeing doing a lot of work to get Python + GTK+ 3
> working on windows and he even has a experimental version for win32 that
> "works" but still nees more work to be generally useful. He wrote a report
> on his work here http://article.gmane.org/**gmane.comp.gnome.gtk%2B.**
> python/16049<http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.gtk%2B.python/16049>and
>  this means that the remaining work needs to focus on Glib
> (object-introspection) and GTK+, as PyGObject is apparently working fine on
> win32.
> So, to improve windows support more volunteers are needed, with enough
> patience to find out and understand what's missing.
> Meanwhile, the pygtk.org website is kept alive for those that can't
> migrate to pygobject, even if no development effort is being done now on
> PyGTK. We are doing small updates from time to time and the website is
> still somewhat active (you can find updated PDF and html versions of the
> docs and occasional additions to the PyGTK application list), but it is
> indeed in maintenance mode.
> Some ideas to improve the situation are:
> - Getting involved in improving the glib (gobject-introspection) and gtk+
> win32 branches
>     https://github.com/dieterv (Dieter's github repos with his patches to
> those modules)
> http://optionexplicit.be/**projects/gnome-windows/GTK+3/<http://optionexplicit.be/projects/gnome-windows/GTK+3/>(experimental
>  builds and instructions on how to build them)
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/**buglist.cgi?classification=**
> Platform;op_sys=Windows;query_**format=advanced;bug_status=**
> UNCONFIRMED;bug_status=NEW;**bug_status=ASSIGNED;bug_**
> status=REOPENED;bug_status=**NEEDINFO;version=3.0.x;**
> version=3.1.x;version=3.2.x;**version=3.3.x;version=3.4.x;**
> version=3.5.x;version=3.6.x;**version=3.7.x;product=gtk%2B<https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?classification=Platform;op_sys=Windows;query_format=advanced;bug_status=UNCONFIRMED;bug_status=NEW;bug_status=ASSIGNED;bug_status=REOPENED;bug_status=NEEDINFO;version=3.0.x;version=3.1.x;version=3.2.x;version=3.3.x;version=3.4.x;version=3.5.x;version=3.6.x;version=3.7.x;product=gtk%2B>(open
>  bugs related to gtk+ 3 on win32)
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/**buglist.cgi?classification=**
> Platform;op_sys=Windows;query_**format=advanced;bug_status=**
> UNCONFIRMED;bug_status=NEW;**bug_status=ASSIGNED;bug_**
> status=REOPENED;bug_status=**NEEDINFO;version=unspecified;**
> component=introspection;**product=glib<https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?classification=Platform;op_sys=Windows;query_format=advanced;bug_status=UNCONFIRMED;bug_status=NEW;bug_status=ASSIGNED;bug_status=REOPENED;bug_status=NEEDINFO;version=unspecified;component=introspection;product=glib>(open
>  bugs related to glib introspection)
> - Help the PyGObject documentation efforts.
>     The Python GTK+3 tutorial is an ongoing work, a great resource, and it
> will grow faster if more people work on it. Just think what could happen if
> a bunch of us contribute a new section (porting a PyGTK tutorial chapter or
> crafting totally new content).
> https://python-gtk-3-tutorial.**readthedocs.org/en/latest/<https://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>
>  (html version)
> https://github.com/sebp/**PyGObject-Tutorial<https://github.com/sebp/PyGObject-Tutorial>(git
>  repo of the tutorial)
> - Write useful examples that make use of the PyGObject API and publish
> them.
>      You can take the PyGObject demo examples as reference and fill other
> interesting parts of the API
> More useful information at https://mail.gnome.org/**
> mailman/listinfo/python-**hackers-list<https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/python-hackers-list>and
> https://live.gnome.org/**PyGObject <https://live.gnome.org/PyGObject>
> Regards,
> Rafael Villar Burke
> --
> Pachi
> ______________________________**_________________
> pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
> http://www.daa.com.au/mailman/**listinfo/pygtk<http://www.daa.com.au/mailman/listinfo/pygtk>
> Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://faq.pygtk.org/
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://faq.pygtk.org/

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