On 08/01/2013 02:00 AM, Osmo Salomaa wrote:
Here is a very simple scrpit that shows the problem. For me it prints:
<Gdk.Color(red=0.000000, green=0.000000, blue=0.000000, alpha=0.000000)>

For editable text fields, you're probably looking for the *base* color.


For Adwaita, you can find the available color names in gtk-main.css [1],
but I really don't know if they work across different themes.


I am under XFCE / GTK2 theme, so there is no such file in my theme. My gtkrc file has a base[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" line, but I don't know how to get that with gtk3. It should be possible as it's correctly rendered.

style.lookup_color("theme_base_color") returns a 0, 0, 0, 0 color here.

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