On 12/31/06, Kelvin Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Ryan,

> I am wondering if someone can help me out.  I want to put together a
> simple python script or windows executable that can be passed a zipped
> cdg+mp3 as a command line argument.  Play the file (perhaps have an
> option to select fullscreen or windowed playback on the command line).
> I am a perl programmer and have zero experience with python but when
> using the source distro and the info on the site I couldnt get past it
> saying that the Numeric library couldnt be found even though I installed
> it.  This should be a simple script using pycdg.py and playing the file
> then exiting when it is complete.

I can't help much on the Windows side of things, but it's odd that
you're getting this Numeric error. Have you perhaps installed Numeric
for a different version of Python? (e.g. installed Numeric for Python
2.3 but are running Python 2.4?)

Another point: If you use the compiled version of the CDG player you
don't need Numeric, but you need to have a suitable C compiler
installed. Again, I haven't done this on a Windows machine, but I'm told
you'll need Visual Studio - presumably there's a free version with just
the compiler. And you'll need some development libraries, at least
SDL-devel. This is a bit more of a pain than just using the uncompiled
CDG player which requires Numeric.

Because my notebook has finally crept up on its "more than one year old"
mark, it's due for a full re-install (it has some fairly exotic hardware so,
as much to my surprise as to anyone else, even *Linux* is in need of a full
reinstallation on this thing) so Windows will be getting attention here in
about three days or so, and I'll have a chance to rebuild everything from
scratch. I'll explore this and get it tested; gimme about a week total to
get this documented and make sure it all works right (I'm tied up for a
couple of days with some other stuff but once I get this thing back on its
feet and myself unburied I'll have some time to devote to this).
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