Jay R. Ashworth schreef:
> On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 08:56:31PM +0200, Floris wrote:
>> I use pykaraoke for a couple of months now and I like it.
>> I have only one question and I hope it will be easy to set it up.
>> Is it possible to show the lyrics window on an other monitor?
>> now I use only pycdg and I made a small script that shows the
>> lyrics on my TV
>> (sample of the script)
>> DISPLAY=:0.1 pycdg -w 1024 -h 768 --num-channels=2 -t "LOCUS KARAOKE" "$*"
>> This works fine but I don't have the playlist and the search option of 
>> pykaraoke
> I suspect that what you want to do is make that DISPLAY modification at
> the point in the frontend scripting where pycdg *is called*.  Does
> that make enough sense to you?  (I don't have it unpacked right now,
> but I could, if you like.
> Kelvin: suggestion: the frontend should look for PYKDISPLAY in the
> environment and furnish it to the player program if found, as $DISPLAY.
> Cheers,
> -- jra

I've never wrote a python script, but the language doesn't seem
that difficult. Nevertheless all the help is welcome.

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