----- "John Schneiderman" <joh...@meent.biz> wrote:
>       Since, the player itself does not require any of the PyKaraoke code
> base, the preference would be in a different depo then? The GPL doesn't 
> prevent
> commercial use, it only prevent proprietary use.

Close, but not quite.  

It doesn't even prevent proprietary *use* (though AGPL does), it prevents
proprietary *redistribution*.

If, for example, my company takes a GPLd program and modifies it, we could use
it in-house with impunity, but we could not distribute it to anyone else
without including *the sources for any changes we made*.

We aren't compelled to distribute those changes, though, merely because
we *made* them to GPLd code.

The discrepancy this introduces in web-app code is what the Affero GPL was
introduced to avoid.

So, John: when do we get to see the code?  :-)

-- jra

Jay R. Ashworth                   Baylink                      j...@baylink.com
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