On 13/03/2011 14:51, Chris Rossi wrote:
If it were me I would attach a connection factory instead of an open
connection.  The factory would open a connection and stash it on the
request the first time it is invoked and then just return the stashed
connection on subsequent calls.  This preserves the convenience of
your pattern but allows you to only cause a connection to be opened
for requests that need it.

I used the component-architecture-hidden-behind-functions approach that has worked so well for Pyramid when I did mortar_rdb:



Obviously, that won't help with MongoDB, but the thread-local and zope.component utility approach might work for Seth too.



PS: I'm at PyCon and sprinting on Pyramid, please come grab me if you want to play aroun with this stuff :-)

Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing & Python Consulting
            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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