This worked for me fine for another non-Pyramid app:

class MongoModel(object):
    __dbconn = None

    def __init__(self, properties=None):
        self._id = None
        if properties:
            for k,v in properties.iteritems():
setattr(self, k, v if k != '_id' else pymongo.objectid.ObjectId(v))

    def collection(self):
        if MongoModel.__dbconn is None:
MongoModel.__dbconn = pymongo.Connection(host=conf["mongo.sets"].split(" "))[conf["mongo.db"]]
        return MongoModel.__dbconn[self._collection]


This class also exposes the collection methods which internally call those methods on self.collection() ... Then each model class would inherit from MongoModel (and specify _collection argument in its __init__ method).

However this is not threadsafe (for some other reasons I used prefork process-only flup), so I suppose you'd need to make a threadlocal class argument which contains __dbconn.

Since MongoDB is not transactional, I don't think you'll need middleware to hook into request-response flow for the purposes of handling autocommits or rollbacks, but ymmv.

.oO V Oo.

On 03/16/2011 06:38 PM, Stephen Lacy wrote:
Since mod_wsgi uses long-lived processes, I've decided to keep the connection open for the life of the process (and auto-reconnect if there's a failure).

I'm actually a little surprised that people here are connecting & disconnecting with each request, as it feels unnecessary. Is there some disadvantage of long-lived connections? Of course, it likely varies per database, but FWIW, I'm using MongoDB as well.


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