I ran into an issue a few months ago regarding a NewResponse
subscriber and failing to catch errors (

As I prepare for a production release , my old code ( which i forgot
to remove ) started firing -- and I finally figured out what was

Because I had debugging turned on via 'development.ini', Pyramid was
catching the error & response object from the app, and replacing it
with its own.

In a perfect world, the Pyramid debug system would let the original
response/request stuff somehow persist -- so code can be written that
works on production and development.

In a less perfect, though perfectly acceptable world, it would be
great if the debug & event subscriber docs cross-referenced one
another with an alert/note box that simply states that the debug
system will 'overtake' the response object when turned on, and
subscribers that are designed to handle errors may not work as desired
when debugging is enabled.

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