What? Pyramid doesn't have a "debug" code path, minus emitting some
log messages. Do you mean that the debugtoolbar is doing something to
the response?

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 5:57 PM, Jonathan Vanasco <jonat...@findmeon.com> wrote:
> I ran into an issue a few months ago regarding a NewResponse
> subscriber and failing to catch errors (
> https://groups.google.com/group/pylons-discuss/browse_thread/thread/54b5b3eb5e2ccfe/4e9a2abc09b9651f
> )
> As I prepare for a production release , my old code ( which i forgot
> to remove ) started firing -- and I finally figured out what was
> happening.
> Because I had debugging turned on via 'development.ini', Pyramid was
> catching the error & response object from the app, and replacing it
> with its own.
> In a perfect world, the Pyramid debug system would let the original
> response/request stuff somehow persist -- so code can be written that
> works on production and development.
> In a less perfect, though perfectly acceptable world, it would be
> great if the debug & event subscriber docs cross-referenced one
> another with an alert/note box that simply states that the debug
> system will 'overtake' the response object when turned on, and
> subscribers that are designed to handle errors may not work as desired
> when debugging is enabled.
> --
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