In another message string it was mentioned that James was working on a
replacement for Pudge?  Any info on this, i would potentially be
interested in helping as I have a desire for documentation system.

Also, a little more poking around:  I ran --help-commands
and got the following (Pudge isn't found).

c:\Python25\lib\distutils\ UserWarning: Unknown
distribution option: 'message_extractors'

    main = gs2.config.middleware:make_app

    main = pylons.util:PylonsInstaller

\sqlalchemy\ext\ SADeprecationWarning:
SessionContext is deprecated.  Use scoped_session().
  self.context = SessionContext(*args, **kwargs)
Standard commands:
  build             build everything needed to install
  build_py          "build" pure Python modules (copy to build
  build_ext         build C/C++ extensions (compile/link to build
  build_clib        build C/C++ libraries used by Python extensions
  build_scripts     "build" scripts (copy and fixup #! line)
  clean             clean up temporary files from 'build' command
  install           install everything from build directory
  install_lib       install all Python modules (extensions and pure
  install_headers   install C/C++ header files
  install_scripts   install scripts (Python or otherwise)
  install_data      install data files
  sdist             create a source distribution (tarball, zip file,
  register          register the distribution with the Python package
  bdist             create a built (binary) distribution
  bdist_dumb        create a "dumb" built distribution
  bdist_rpm         create an RPM distribution
  bdist_wininst     create an executable installer for MS Windows

Extra commands:
  rotate            delete older distributions, keeping N newest files
  develop           install package in 'development mode'
  setopt            set an option in setup.cfg or another config file
  docs              (no description available)
  egg_info          create a distribution's .egg-info directory
  nosetests         Run unit tests using nosetests
  install_egg_info  Install an .egg-info directory for the package
  alias             define a shortcut to invoke one or more commands
  easy_install      Find/get/install Python packages
  bdist_egg         create an "egg" distribution
  saveopts          save supplied options to setup.cfg or other config
  test              run unit tests after in-place build

My understanding is it gets the list of commands by walking the site-
packages?  Any reason it wouldn't find it?



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