-- one reply from me and Mike are missing (reason below), I am posting
this here anyway in case it may help someone --

Hi Mike,

(Groups reply missing)
> I only got one.

I found out why. Google Groups messes up when an opera client (at
least MY opera client) submits a reply. It doesn't display anything,
you can't browse back, the reply is just gone.

Of course I found out when posting a reply in the TG group.. [and the
one in this group that's missing] :-/

> Helper libs are fine if they're supported in the official
> documentation.  TG and Pylons have a fundamentally different
> philosophy in this regard.  They try to outsource as much as possible,
> and only write their own stuff if nothing external is adequate.

What do you mean by official documentation? Of the mega-frameworks? Of
core python?

> Django is generally considered to have the best newbie documentation
> and handholding.  How much of that is real and how much is perception,

>From my 36 hours personal experience, I feel "handheld" a lot. I think
that's the strongest and decisive point for me right now. Mainly by
great documentation and examples, but by the framework itself as well.
Maybe it's in part b/c the guys have a journalist background? However,
it's great in that aspect.

> Django admin screens will work for your client until you can make some
> custom screens, that's a consideration.

That's the way I'll go for now.

>> 50+ with pysqlite), so I'm not that scared of SQLA. Do you think I
>> should be?
> The SQLAlchemy manual is excellent but you'll have to spend a few days
> with it.  Not many people are familiar with object databases so they
> don't know about Durus.  But it's light and simple so not much to go
> wrong, and well supported on the mailing list.

On the Durus mailing list, I assume? I'll subscribe to that. (if only
as a reminder to check it out in length after this project is over)

It's good to know the SQLA docs are good, with SQLObject I didn't feel
as if that was always the case. I was searching around in it a lot
with a recent wxPy app I used it for.

Thanks again for your help,


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