On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Ben Bangert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 11, 2008, at 1:10 PM, Karlo Lozovina wrote:
>> What's the practical difference between controller based approach and
>> views based one? Eg. Django views, and controllers in Pylons? It
>> doesn't seem that much different, so why not make all controller
>> actions regular functions, instead of class methods? What's the gain
>> in this controller approach, if any? :)
> Terminology really. Note that webapps in general are only vaguely mapped to
> the entire MVC concept in that you have a model representing domain logic
> (generally with a database), a controller that gets the request and decides
> how to respond, and a view (template) which the controller uses to create
> the response with the data (Model).
> So Django is more-or-less MVC, they just call it MTV (Model-Template-View),
> and their 'View' is doing the logic with the request, fetching data from the
> Model, and using a template (aka, view), to return a response. By any
> definition of MVC I've seen, Django is without a doubt MVC as well:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model-view-controller
> They've provided a reason for why they choose to call it MTV on their FAQ
> page, which differs from every other web frameworks rather unanimous
> interpretation of it, and so far has led to more than a little confusion
> when I've seen Django users using other MVC frameworks and frequently asking
> about 'views' when people understand that to be 'controllers'.
> Regarding the use of a class vs a function for the controller, there are
> some advantages with the class. You can easily have stuff done before any of
> the methods are called for example, and you can set things on the class
> object and have helper function utilized that have access to them on 'self'
> as well. Also, you can develop mix-in style classes, to easily add generic
> methods to various controllers merely by changing the inheritance.

MVC is a cargo cult ;)


I agree with Ben.  Having classes with methods has all sorts of OO
benefits.  Consider, you can implement __getattr__ and do all sorts of
cool tricks.  It's also nice to share a bunch of code and data via
self.  If you don't use classes, you're forced to do everything with
function decorators.


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