On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 6:43 PM, Jonathan Vanasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll admit at the forefront, I'm not a fan of  the extreme
> 'restification' of the web the way the rails evangelists and followers
> have pushed for, or the 'restful web services' crowd.

Remember that REST is just a vague concept like MVC.  It just means to
use a meaningful URL structure.  It' doesn't say what those URLs
should be, which HTTP methods to use, or what to name your controller
actions.  map.resource/ATOM is a particular implementation of REST,
not REST itself.

map.resource makes a lot of sense for things that will be aggregated
or called by programs.  It makes some sense for things that will be
called only through an interactive web browser, but there are
tradeoffs.  Using pseudo-PUT and DELETE in web browsers is
questionable.  Having a "/foos/1/edit" that PUTs to "/foos/1" is
funny; why not post to the same URL as the form?  Why is there no
delete confirmation form ("/foos/1/ask-delete", which I add to every
resource).  One of the things I want to add to Routes 2 is a
simplified add/modify/delete structure for cases where map.resource is
overkill.  (And one that enables only specific actions; e.g., no
delete or no index.)

The other problem is nested resources.
"/incidents/123/entries/456/attachments/789/edit" is really long, and
fails to show the close relationship of an item to its id.  With
non-numeric IDs, you may not even be able to tell which are items and
which are IDs.  In my old site I had /123/456/edit, which made it
easier to see the whole URL in the location bar and to type it by
hand.  But I wanted to do it the "right" way in Pylons, and nested
resources were too precarious and undocumented to be trusted, so I
ended up flattening the resources to /incidents/123 and  /entries/456.
 (All entry IDs were unique, so the latter worked.)


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