i've got a domain: example.com

i want to run ten different websites (sub1.example.com,
sub2.example.com .... sub10.example.com)

a different pylons app will be running each of the 10 websites

i'm proxying scgi from lighttpd (10 entries, each website running on
port 5001, 5002 ... 5010)

i have a script that can start all 10 pasters on bootup

so, if i wanted to add an 11th website, i would

1) use up another port, 5011
2) add another proxy within lighttpd
3) modify my paster shell to start up yet another paster server on

is there a better way to go about this, so this scales better and can
be easier to maintain? taking up another port, starting up yet another
paster process seem like it can get a bit too resource intensive if
all i want to do is just to run different websites (virtual hosts)

the websites are small, maybe 10-20 pages each. if i were using php, i
just move the code to another folder, and add virtual host entries
into lighttpd
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