I think the relative number of django apps in the wild vs pylons apps
is a good indicator of how "easy" it is to get something launched. Not
that I don't <3 pylons, but django's developer base speaks for itself.
Either that, or pylons needs a marketing campaign with a pony or

Tom Longson (nym)

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:17 AM, afrotypa<ovuaia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What are the specifics? In what aspects is it easier to develop in
> Django?. I havent ever used Django, but I heard that while Django apps
> may be easier to develop (if minimal subsequent customization of
> boilerplate is required), it may be harder on the outset to customize
> Django apps. Is a Django app now more amenable to customization than
> before?.
> Pylons apps on the other hand (from my experience) require a bit of a
> learning curve to get started, however there is a lot of inherent
> flexibility in how you can customize your pylons app.
> There are many discussions on this subject. Here is one of them :-
> http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/88zyd/django_or_pylons_which_should_i_go_for/
> On Jul 15, 5:44 pm, "Tom Longson (nym)" <toml...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I know people here won't like me saying this, but I recommend looking
>> at Django. If you have real heavy lifting on ORM, it's not as good,
>> but for 98% of the time Django is easier to develop in than Pylons.
>> Cheers,
>> Tom Longson (nym)
>> ------------------------------http://tomlongson.com
>> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 2:09 PM, DavidG<dgel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hmmmm. Anyone?
>> > On Jul 14, 11:55 am, DavidG <dgel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >> I am in the midst of developing a "fairly simple" application site,
>> >> but where traffic in the real world might be in the "moderate" range
>> >> (not low, but not a mega site).
>> >> I have been using python for years, and developed several successful
>> >> low-traffic sites with it, using various python web tools from my own,
>> >> to myghty, mod_python, pylons...I certainly enjoy the programming
>> >> aspect of python, but when you want to get a site up and reliably
>> >> running and scaled (and find people to maintain it), perhaps other
>> >> factors besides the "language" are more important.
>> >> Question: is pylons ready for prime time? If one were to develop a
>> >> moderate-volume, solid site, is python with pylons the "best" thing to
>> >> use? How would a pylons site stack up against sites made with php,
>> >> rails, java?  (btw, I anticipate deploying using Apache and the paste
>> >> server via reverse-proxy).
>> >> Here are things to consider:
>> >> 1. ease/speed of programming
>> >> 2. ease of testing
>> >> 3. scalability
>> >> 4. reliability
>> >> 5. maintainability
>> >> 6. flexibility
>> >> 7. availability of good libraries
>> >> I realize these questions have been asked before, but having my
>> >> initial "alpha" nearly finished in pylons, doubts are setting in as to
>> >> how deployable and scalable in the *real world* this system might be.
>> >> I know that *a lot* of sites (especially large ones) use php (which,
>> >> as a language, I am less then crazy about). And various java
>> >> frameworks (but java is so much work!). And rails? Well, there seems
>> >> to be a bit of a controversy as to its performance, flexibility and
>> >> scalability.
>> >> Interested in any thoughts folks might have. Thanks.
> >

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