On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 12:19 -0700, Mike Orr wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Tom Longson (nym)<toml...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I think the relative number of django apps in the wild vs pylons apps
> > is a good indicator of how "easy" it is to get something launched. Not
> > that I don't <3 pylons, but django's developer base speaks for itself.
> > Either that, or pylons needs a marketing campaign with a pony or
> > something.
> It has a pony, and a unicorn.  See paste.pony.
> def make_pony(app, global_conf):
>     """
>     Adds pony power to any application, at /pony
>     """
>     return PonyMiddleware(app)
> Regarding the greater issue of Pylons marketing, it has been long
> recognized that it could use improvements.  Two things are holding it
> back:
>   - Programmers don't have the best marketing skills.
>   - There's too much work getting Pylons 1.0 ready, which takes priority.
> Some essential pieces have gradually been done.  The website rewrite,
> the Pylons 0.9.7 documentation, the Pylons book, and the logo/Egyptian
> theme.  What we need now is people with marketing skills who are not
> Pylons developers (thus not distracted by development).  If you'd like
> to do marketing, you can discuss your ideas here or on pylons-devel.

I would be interested in doing some help in this area, but it's sort of
contingent on how the whole cooperating with repoze/pypes stuff happens.
If I can feel confident that working with Pylons and repoze is going to
be a solid path forward for our company, I'm willing to pitch in there,
but not so much if I'm not sure about the future.

Sooo, it would be good for these sorts of things if more work was put
into the public face of the future road map. On the last thread my last
questions just never got answered.... :/


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