On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Mike Orr<sluggos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Iain Duncan<iaindun...@telus.net> wrote:
>> But if you are a small company
>> selling services to using a framework, it's pretty important that it
>> looks like the code you are selling isn't based on something that will
>> be forgotten about down the road.
> For how long?  Five years, ten years, twenty years?  I have a bit of a
> problem with the idea that the developers should support it "forever".
>  If the developers were to lose interest in Pylons today, there would
> still be Pylons apps running in five years which the developers should
> support.  In ten years there may or may not be a few apps still
> running, but whether it's reasonable to expect support then is
> debatable.  Twenty years is meaningless in Internet-time because the
> potential for paradigm shift is so great; there may not be any "web
> apps" by then.

Quixote is a good model.  Its heyday was 2002-2005.  The developers
have declared it "finished" and are directing new features to a new
similar framework, Qp.  But bugs in Quixote are still fixed, and if
somebody contributes a feature patch it's considered.  It keeps up
with essential changes in Python such as Unicode and 2.6.  (Currently,
2.6 broke Quixote's PTL import hooks and perhaps SCGI, so the
developers are trying to find a migration path for existing
applications.  Users are either sticking with 2.5, avoiding PTL or
precompiling their templates, or trying out ProxyPass instead of

So one could say that Quixote has been in supported-but-finished mode
for 2 years or perhaps 4.  And I assume it will remain that way at
least as long as Quixote applications exist and the MEMS Exchange
(which pays the developers) exist.  Or until changes in Python just
make Quixote unviable to support except in older versions.

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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