Mike Orr wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Jonathan Vanasco <jonat...@findmeon.com> 
> wrote:
>> by default it sets response.content_type to "application/json"
>> is there a way to override this?
>> if not , could I request this in a future version of pylons ?
>> though testing, i discovered that a lot of browsers will 'download'
>> application/json files if you hit them directly -- ie, they won't
>> render in the browser, they'll just save to disk.
>> the same browsers will render "text/javascript" files fine.
>> i've got some custom code that lets me dev stuff, but something built
>> into pylons would probably be useful for others.
> I don't quite grok decorators, but it looks like it would have to be a
> separate function.  The signature is jsonify(func, *args, **kw), so
> there's no place to add a content-type argument.

You could use a method which binds the content type into the scope of the 
jsonfiy decorator. You effectively have a closure,

def jsonify(content_type='application/json'):
     def jsonify_decorator(fn, *args, **kwars):
         response.headers['content_type'] = content_type
         # implementation of jsonify goes in here
        return simplejson.dumps(result)

     return jsonify_decorator

This could also be used to pass in the encoding function into jsonify, so users 
can specify an alternate to simplejson.

When using the decorator you'd specify

def foo_method():


def bar_method():

   - Shailesh

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