Sorry, I should have mentioned that I'm using a brand new Pylons
1.0rc1 project (setup via the script). The nosetests are
being run with the out-of-the-box configuration (setup.cfg:
[nosetests] with-pylons = test.ini) and I haven't changed
TestController.__init__(). Basically, I just setup the framework and
added the tests I described in my post.

Should the testing environment explicitly set the value of
pylons.config to the result of load_environment()? How would you
recommend accessing the runtime configuration from a standalone
utility that isn't doing full application requests?


On Mar 26, 2:31 pm, Mike Orr <> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 9:03 AM, andres <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm in the process of upgrading to Pylons 1.0 and I have some
> > questions about runtime configuration.
> > According to the documentation (
> > configuration/) the proper way to access the runtime configuration is
> > via the pylons.config object:
> > from pylons import config
> > This works fine within the context of a WSGI app instance but outside
> > the context of an app instance (e.g. testing environment), the config
> > object is a bare-bones pylons config rather than the runtime
> > configuration I expect. For example, if I create a simple library
> > function to test for the presence of a runtime config key:
> > # myapp/lib/
> > from pylons import config
> > def has_config_key(key):
> >    return key in config
> > then I see the following behavior when I run this test:
> > # myapp/tests/functional/
> > from myapp.tests import TestController
> > from myapp.lib.util import has_config_key
> > class ConfigTest(TestController):
> >    def test_app(self):
> >        response =
> >'proxy',action='util_has_config_key',key='sqlal 
> > chemy.ur'))
> >        self.assertEqual('True' in response.body, True)
> >    def test_func(self):
> >        haskey = has_config_key('sqlalchemy.url')
> >        self.assertEqual(haskey, False)
> > This means that for code that depends on the runtime configuration but
> > which I want to execute outside the context of an WSGI app instance I
> > need to access the runtime configuration via a different method. One
> > way around this problem is to avoid "pylons.config" and instead
> > configure everything in myapp.config.environment.load_environment().
> > Maybe that is a better design pattern. Another option is to cache
> > global_conf and local_conf in load_environment(). Before doing either
> > of these things though, I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing
> > something.
> > How does Pylons recommend accessing the runtime configuration?
> Are you calling nosetests with "--with-pylons=test.ini", or does
> setup.cfg contain the equivalent in the [nosetests] section?  Does
> your TestController.__init__() method call paste.deploy.loadapp()?
> These should be enough to set up the 'config' object, call
>, and initialize the model.  If your Pylons application
> is old, you may want to upgrade it to add these features.
> Pylons 1.0 / 0.10 changes the way the config is initialized.
> ``load_environment()`` returns it, so a standalone utility can access
> it without having to initialize the globals.  That may be useful if
> you just need the config but aren't doing full application requests.
> Parsing the config manually is quite a hassle, as you can see from the
> source to loadapp(). So you'd want to avoid that. You can parse it
> using the standard ConfigParser, but it won't do some things Paste
> does such as "%(here)s" interpolation and underscored keys.
> --
> Mike Orr <>

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