I'm actually in the process of trying to port my old Joomla (that's
php, folks!) site to something in Pylons...for my purposes of not
losing too much content I was trying to use a vaguely similar db
schema so I could export data & still have it be useful in the new
app...(I'll let you know if I get anywhere...)

Bottom line is you'll need at least this:

- content (eg articles, etc)
- media (images, audio, video, etc)
- an organisational hierachy (such as sections & categories)
- templates

In terms of functionality, Joomla uses an interesting concept called
components, which all go into a common "components" folder, & which
can be downloaded from a repository as a .zip file. You just upload
the .zip file to the CMS, & it installs the code file, & creates DB
tables if necessary. That way, non-tech users can add functionality to
their site with a one click process, which makes it easier for users.

It also has a separate administration folder, so any admin screens
code can be kept together, making it easier to force SSL for your
content admin section, without requiring it for the public front-end
section of your CMS app...


Bruce Coble

On Nov 15, 6:29 am, Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Leon <leont...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Another thing is that if the project is successful, due to it being
> > written in Python and based on pyramid, I think a lot of Plone
> > developers that find Plone already reaching its limit will migrate to
> > the new CMS, just like some Zope developers that migrated to
> > repoze.bfg. If the fresh ideas are good, people will flock in to
> > possibly the only alternative that still inspires partly from Plone.
> You bring up some good ideas, and my response is "Let's do both." Port
> Plone and design another CMS.  This isn't about the limits of Plone. I
> haven't heard anything about reaching them. This is about Pylons
> developers not having a CMS unless they install the whole Zope/Plone
> package and set up a WSGI child app and then have to learn and
> maintain two different environments, or to leave Pylons behind and do
> everything in Zope, making Zope products for their site features,
> which is again a large learning curve and not what they really wanted
> to do.
> Plone is not just any CMS. It's the premier open-source CMS, the one
> which has brought the words "open-source" and "Python" to the kinds of
> suits that normally consider only commercial products. It did  this by
> having features that match (and in some cases exceed) programs costing
> $30,000. Plone has more developers than all the other Python web
> frameworks combined. The home page says "340 core developers and more
> than 300 solution providers [consultants] in 57 countries". Plus a lot
> of people making Plone products [add-ons].  They have brought in a lot
> of experts in CMS design, usability, accessibility, etc. That is what
> I want to leverage, either their experts themselves or the decisions
> their experts have made. I tried to make a CMS on my own it would be
> crap and non-scalable and have like two other users, and it wouldn't
> be able to use any of the add-ons that have been made for Plone.
> > I don't have any experience in Plone but I think rather than porting
> > Plone, it would be better to create a distinct/new CMS that takes the
> > good things from multiple frameworks instead of just porting Plone.
> > That is, "reinventing" Plone just like repoze.bfg reinvented Zope (I
> > don't know about Zope, but surely repoze.bfg took good parts of it
> > (plus good parts from Rails, Pylons 1, whatever) and threw away the
> > bad things). (this is your choice B.)
> > Because I don't know Zope I don't know how much can be ported from
> > Plone and be rebased to pyramid / repoze.bfg, but I really think that
> > it won't be a lot. Especially if you want to still embrace the Pylons
> > philosophy of non-opinionation somewhat. Also, if you embrace Plone
> > too much, then isn't that the same Plone but with pyramid backend +
> > Zope dependencies?
> An application component like a CMS is necessarily opinionated, so
> that's not an issue.
> There are four or five approaches. I've been discussing this with
> Plone developers, and Plone is essentially a Zope product, so if we
> solve the general problem of running Zope products in Pyramid, we've
> solved the problem of Plone. That would have other benefits because
> people might find other Zope products useful, or be willing to use BFG
> because it has a documented way to run Zope products (which other
> non-Zope framework has that :).  The Grok developers may be able to
> advise us. I think this would require importing a large part of the
> Zope runtime, so the question would be how much. ZODB would be
> necessary to avoid restructuring the database. But would we need
> Zope's visual db inspector (the admin interface)? Maybe not.
> Another approach would be to port part of Plone without most of Zope,
> but I'm not sure how feasable that is.
> Another approach would be to mimic the user interface and workflow and
> API, borrowing any pieces we can and reimplementing the rest. That is
> what I was originally thinking, and it's also what Leon is more or
> less suggesting: a new CMS based on the most successful ones. Although
> Leon suggests basing it on Drupal.
> One way or the other it would be useful. Using Plone currently
> requires doing everything in the Zope universe. Using Drupal means
> using PHP. Both cases require leaving behind everything we like about
> Pylons. So there is certainly a need for a CMS like those, and even a
> simpler one would fulfill the needs of many smaller sites.
> > I would say that Turbogears approach is rather nice where the
> > supposedly higher-level CMS is just a blessed opinion of separate
> > components.
> It would be great if the TG developers joined on, but outside that, I
> don't necessarily want to commit to all the other choices TG has made.
> Also, there is no TG API for Pyramid yet. If TG does decide to join
> Pyramid, it will have to make some fundamental decisions like whether
> to stick with @expose or go to @action, which does most of the same
> things but in a different way. We really need TG/Pyramid to exist
> before we can think about using it for a CMS.
> > I have quite an experience with Drupal extension/module API so let me
> > add on what I think are the good things that Pylons can take example
> > of:
> That's great, that's the kind of expertise we need around.
> I was going to start a Plone-pyramid list, but Leon's message is
> making me thing a Pyramid-cms list might be better.
> --
> Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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