
Thank you for your reasoned response. I am fairly new to Pylons, and so was
only aware of the pylons-discuss news group. I'll be looking at the
pylons-devel to see of others have encountered the situation I am having.


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Ben Bangert <> wrote:

> First, I apologize for failing to catch that the website was unfortunately
> instructing people to go to pylons-devel to talk about Pyramid and Pylons
> Project tasks.
> We really need to keep general discussion type stuff on pylons-discuss.
> Otherwise we end up with two lists for general discussion, and pylons-devel
> having both general discussions. I really don't want the list to be
> fragmented such that people aren't getting the help they could be if they
> had posted to pylons-discuss.
> Here's a quick way to know which one to post to:
> pylons-devel
> - Discussion about development of pylons project libraries such as
> pylons/pyramid/etc.
> pylons-discuss
> - General discussion about best practices of development, asking for help,
> etc.
> If there's already a discussion on pylons-devel that isn't along these
> lines, please start responding to it on pylons-discuss and don't continue it
> on pylons-devel. Odd's are there's more people that will benefit as the
> pylons-discuss list is substantially larger in membership then the devel
> one.
> Again, sorry about the confusion and delay in updating the Pylons Project
> pages to indicate the appropriate mail list to use.
> Cheers,
> Ben
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