I'm interested in making an API for a resource-tree, and in having the URLs
qualified in part by file extension (xxx.json).

The docs mention discriminating based on XHR and mimetype, which I grok, but
it's much easier to debug and view sent data by simply changing the URL.
There is some chatter about this subject in a few places, notably here[1],
but I have a more fundamental question, I think.

I tried discriminating based on path_info regex pattern, and I just couldn't
get it to work; at first I assumed my poor regex-foo, but now I'm thinking
that it's simply not possible to add an extension and preserve traversal.
For example:

My current (working) paths are: /projects/ and /projects/GP008/  (I don't
want the trailing slashes, but that's not important now)
In this case, "projects" is a key corresponding to a mapping in my ZODB
store, and "GP008" is a key within the mapping corresponding to a model
object. So far, so good.

I'd like to add /projects.json and /projects/GP008.json but of course those
strings don't exist within the ZODB resource tree, so no matter what kind of
regex-foo I administer, it won't match.

So, does this mean simply that I cannot use traversal, and need to use
explicit routes?

I know that there are other options, like query strings, which I can code
up... but there is something "nice" about the file extensions.



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