I want to use pyramid's request.route_path() to make links that are
relative... ie, that do not start with "/".

My route is declared thus:

config.add_route('render_page', '/{page}.html')

My view:

def render_template(request):
    page = request.matchdict.get('page', 'welcome')
    return render_to_response('opile:templates/%s.html.mako' %
page, request=request)


request.route_path('render_page', page='examples')

gives me "/examples.html" but I want "examples.html".

Likewise, for paths that are one layer down, I want links that start with
"../" rather than "/". Does Pyramid support this configuration? I can't find
anything in the docs.

(Why would I want to do this? I'm using Pyramid to generate what will become
a static-html "site" that can be opened on a filesystem, so there is no "/".
I can always intercept and modify the output, but I'd prefer to do it

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