On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 3:15 AM, Atsushi Odagiri <aod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Congraturation for first step to py3k.
> I wanna help that works, and I have some question.
> PasteDeploy have ported to py3k, but Paste is not ported.
> Will Pyramid2.x use pastescript or replace to wiseguy?
> Can wiseguy completely replace pastescript?
> PasteScript depends on setuptools/distribute to detect plugins, and
> PasteDeploy depends too.
> That will replace to packaging/distutils2 that doesn't have the feature of
> entry_points.
> May I help to make PasteScript py3 ready?

We have discussed replacing PasteScript/PasteDeploy with something
else but nothing has been decided, and so far we haven't found any
reason to prefer one alternative over the others. Here's what we
discussed earlier:

If you mean this Wiseguy
it looks like it doesn't replace PasteScript. PasteScript is a general
command-line front end to "paster serve", "paster create", and other
utilities. Wiseguy according to its webpage is a FastCGI adapter for
WSGI applications. While we can document it as an alternative,
Pyramid's default server needs to be something that runs standalone
without a separate webserver.

You can work on PasteScript/PasteDeploy/Paste or an alternative,
you'll just need to coordinate with the other people who are working
on those things. And I've lost track of who's doing what.

Who is working on the Paste components or alternatives, and what looks
most promising/'feasable at this point? If you could summarize your
ideas here and on the wiki, it'll make it easier to see if we're any
closer to a decision.

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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