When using Transaction the rollback is emitted implicitly either by Transaction or by zope.sqlalchemy, and manually calling savepoint.rollback() after a failure results with InvalidSavepointRollbackError. At least that was the case when I tried that, please see earlier posts in this topic.


.oO V Oo.

On 11/14/2011 09:27 PM, Chris McDonough wrote:
On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 21:14 +0100, Vlad K. wrote:
Because each savepoint must be met by one commit or one rollback. If I
use session.flush(), the second call would start savepoint 2, but would
not release savepoint 1 (nor roll it back). While that may work "fine"
for this case, I am not sure I want that in the real app where situation
is much more complex.


Also, this answers my other problem I posted a few days ago about using
database-based process "locks" with select ... for update. I need
multiple commits within single request.
I'll defer to you on this, but I'll note that the "savepoint" object you
get back from calling transaction.savepoint() has a "rollback" method

- C

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