On Apr 12, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Michael Merickel wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Domen Kožar <do...@dev.si> wrote:
>> Having something like djangopackages.com + pypi classifier would achieve the
>> same goal. Pull requests are also easy to make, I would propose rather to
>> have a good read about preferred way of contributing to package maintainers.
> I'm much more +1 on maintaining and improving
> http://pyramid.opencomparison.org/ (djangopackages). I've also
> requested on catalog-sig a "Framework :: Pyramid" trove classifier. I
> think in the era of DVCS it doesn't make much sense to attempt to
> manage organizations and commit access rights. You and your
> maintainers own the project repo, other people can submit pull
> requests. What is more important is that the source repositories are
> easy to find, for which I think the opencomparison page does a good
> job. I think the opencomparison page needs much more visibility within
> the community.

my initial impression is leaning this way as well, my concern with a central 
repo that everyone publishes towards is that you get a lot of lemons, and the 
system doesn't provide any way to newcomers to distinguish between the 
first-class, recommended approaches versus half-baked ideas that will get 
people into trouble.    You'd then say, OK well someone needs to curate the 
collection of things - easier said than done.   There's a lot of old recipes on 
the SQLAlchemy wiki I'd love to blow away, but , well one of my users went 
through all the trouble to write it and I don't want to upset him, and well OK 
maybe it's somewhat useful if not out of date, so it just stays up there, as a 
sort-of-not-quite-useful thing.    Plus you need someone curating all these 
things in the first place.    The repo starts looking like a stale graveyard 
for discarded ideas.   For a project that is desperate to provide a consistent, 
simple story for newcomers (something I think Pyramid and SQLAlchemy share), 
these open ended repositories just add to the confusion, pushing up a large 
list of highly varied approaches into a flattened presentation.

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